Tuesday, October 23, 2012

All I want for.... Melbourne Cup

Melbourne Cup is a few weeks away, and personally it's my favourite time of the year! Whilst I don't live in Melbourne that doesn't mean I cant appreciate the fashions from the comfort of my lounge room, or the work Cup party every year.

I love anything that requires you to wear headgear, a royal wedding, race days, alas probably even mining would pique my fancy if I get to wear a hardhat (not the same I know but still, a hats a hat).

Therefore I have found some wonderful pieces for Melbourne Cup this year, I'm all about bringing the drama. So lots of leather, lots of feathers, dark colours with bright & bold accessories. My picks for this year are (& a big thanks to Warehouse & ASOS for their amazing clothes):

And let's not forget the headgear.... Girls go big & proud! I know I will be

And most of all..... Enjoy your Melbourne Cup I hope you all pick a winner with your outfit & your horse.

A&C xx