Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A whole post about Milk???

Black Milk to be exact. At Ari&Charli it is our FAVOURITE brand. We own a vast variety of swimsuits, leggings & dresses. And now that they have bought out shoes - DIE!

You're probably sitting there wondering how a whole post can be about Lycra shiny numbers, well let me tell you about Black Milk. Once people got over the shock that I paid $75 for a pair of leggings (let me tell you I've paid a whole lot more for a whole lot less) they had to admit that any of the 5 pairs of leggings from Black Milk that I currently own (looking to expand as they have a release today & then one in a few weeks) always look fabulous. They are different, normally quite bold in their design. And fit like nothing else. 

And then they see my swimsuits. Now being a smaller person in stature & size most people are shocked (HORRIFIED!!!) that I don't wear a two piece, but I don't. I love my Black Milk swimsuits. I love the designs. I love that they each are individual & tell a different story. 

I also love their website. I love that if I am uncertain about a piece (unless it is a new release) that they have pictures of the fans wearing the pieces at the bottom of the sales pitch.

I love that they fit all sizes and shapes of girls. I love that the young & the young at heart wear them... 

I love that their FB fan page is like a whole society of women (and some men) who band together & tell each other how fabulous we are. We give each other advice & if I'm honest I feel like whenever I go on that page I get a bigger boost from it then some of the clean eating support pages I belong to. No one is negative. We are all there for one reason - the reason being we love Black Milk

To be honest there isn't much I don't love about them. 

Get yourself a piece from Black Milk - I promise you wont be disappointed! 

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