Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Being a fitness model is the new black

So I dress a lot of women who have lost weight. To be honest, besides clothing sales, my main income is from these women, who want their look to reflect their new confident, sexy self's. And to be honest I love this kind of work. I love helping women evolve into what they want to be. I love dressing women to their shape, and accentuating their best features. However, I have realised with the slew of these new fitter women that there has emerged a new trend. 

Fitness modelling. 

I have been doing some research, after I kept hearing about the new goal, after hitting their weight loss target is to be a fitness model, on The Book, and I have concluded that every third person is now a fitness model. It's made me wonder how they ALL survive, and whether they can all get jobs as fitness models? I have liked a few Facebook pages, and whilst I follow a fairly strict clean eating model, these girls are clearly a whole different ball game.

I have also come to the decision that the wardrobe of a fitness model is gym clothes, bikini's and baby oil. I think I can make gym clothes, and probably bikini's but the real money will be in selling all three as a package :) 

I am also wanting to speak to someone who is. I would like to advise ladies on healthy lifestyle changes. Like I said I follow a clean eating guide but would like to speak to the people that these ladies obviously admire as their lifestyle is a lot more intense than my gym 4 times a week. Hopefully someone will reply & help me out. 

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