Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wishing for an 80's hair day

Today is a bad hair day. It's flat & lifeless & basically un-styled. And I'm at a point where I just don't care. Thankfully I have a hair appointment tonight with my beautiful hairdresser who will blow style it & remind me why I chose to grow my hair after having a pixie cut for so many years. 

However, today whilst dealing with my ugly hair (actually an all round ugly day) I realised I missed 80's hair. I think I miss the whole 80's actually. I miss big hair, actually massive hair. I miss the glam makeup (for men & women). I miss beauty spots. I miss the whole lycra look (even though I am trying to bring it back by only choosing to wear my Black Milk leggings everywhere). And I miss hair bands. I miss their loud music, with lyrics that made no sense, or sung about women wearing not much. I also miss the original Supermodel. The women were slim but still had curves, supermodels these days surely cant be role models to our children and young can they? Supermodels had boobs, the only thing jutting out of models these days are their bones.

In ode to the 80's I leave you with the following pictorial. And to why we should definitely bring them back!!! 

On a side note - I will be spending the weekend in Melbourne. Expect lots of pics of what people are wearing early next week :)

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